Checklist of Clean Supply Essentials
Before we get started, here’s a list of common items it’s good to have around when it comes time to clean pee out of carpets, mattresses, or fabrics:
Soft-bristled brush
Bucket for mixing solutions
Oscillating fan
White paper towels or old white cloths
Baking soda
Oxygen-based bleach
Laundry detergent
Laundry disinfectant
Distilled white vinegar
Dishwashing liquid
How to Get Urine Smell and Stains Out of Clothing
Removing urine stains from clothing can be tricky. Follow these simple steps to tackle stains effectively. It’s important to remember that the sooner you treat a urine stain after it occurs, especially if it’s still wet, the better chance you have of eliminating the stain and odor dried and set urine can leave behind.
Step 1:
Pre-soak diapers, washable clothing, bedsheets or other urine-soaked fabric in a mixture of one-part cold water and one-part white, distilled vinegarfor at least 30 minutes.
Step 2:
Spray Dreft Laundry Stain Remover directly onto stain, soaking the fabric. Rub in, then wait 3-5 minutes. Wash using the warmest water the fabric will accept.
Step 3:
Inspect the fabric when it comes out of the wash. If the stain is still visible, repeat the washing process. This step is important because heat from the dryer can set the stain, making it difficult or impossible to remove.
If you are battling a dried or set-in urine stain, it’s best to soak the fabric in a solution of cool water and oxygen-based bleach for at least 30 minutes. If the stain persists, let the fabric soak in your solution overnight and try washing again.
How to Get Out Urine Smell and Stains from a Mattress
Getting a urine stain out of a mattress can be challenging, but the good news is that it’s not impossible, particularly if you catch it early and treat it immediately while it’s still wet. Care should be taken to not wet the area more than necessary as residual moisture can cause mold or mildew to form.
Perhaps the best way to get rid of a mattress stain is to prevent it from happening in the first place with a waterproof mattress cover. There are many sizes available at baby stores or common retail outlets and they’ve come a long way from the crinkly plastic bedcovers you may remember.
Step 1:
Remove all bedding and prop the mattress up on its side, sponging the urine spot with a cold solution of dish soap or shampoo.
Step 2:
Put a few drops of disinfectant in cold water and wipe the area using a white paper towel or cloth.
Step 3:
Allow the mattress to dry fully before remake the bed with clean sheets. If you’re in a pinch with bedtime looming and your mattress is still wet, simply put a towel over the wet spot and place clean sheets over it. In the morning, strip the bed down again and allow it to continue air drying. Your oscillating fan can come in handy here too, speeding up the drying process.

How to Get Out Urine Smell and Stains from a Carpet
Carpets, like mattresses, can be tricky to remove a pee stain from and care should be taken to treat the problem spot quickly to prevent soaking into carpet pads where the smell can linger.
Step 1:
Using a wet/dry vacuum and white paper towels, sop up as much urine as you can from the carpet.
Step 2:
Rinse the area with cold water, carefully vacuuming and blotting any excess water.
Step 3:
Apply cleaning solution in a ring a few inches outside the stain area and work inward until completely treated. Urine can leak down and spread for several inches, so taking this step to surround the stain will ensure you get the whole thing.
Step 4:
Allow the cleaner to dry naturally (or with the help of your fan) and then vacuum.
Carpet can also be tricky due to dyes and different pile heights. Care must be taken for darker carpeting as certain cleaning solutions may cause some of the colors to bleach or fade.
Conversely, using a dyed cloth or paper towel to clean urine from lighter carpets can transfer dye from the cloth into the carpet itself, so it’s always recommended you use white paper towels or cloths for cleaning.
How to Remove Urine Smell and Stains from Couch and Upholstery
Cleaning pee from couches and upholstery is similar to the steps you’d take on a mattress. You will want to get to the trouble spot as quickly as possible to avoid soaking into cushions, but care must be taken to preserve the upholstery’s color and textural integrity.
Step 1:
Blot away the urine using white paper towels or cloths.
Step 2:
Spray Dreft Fabric Refresher & Odor Eliminator lightly and evenly on fabric.
Step 3:
Using your white cloth or soft brush, dip into the cleaning solution and apply to the urine stain, starting from the outside and working into the middle. Avoid saturating the fabric too much as you don’t want the cushion underneath to gather moisture and mildew.
Step 4:
Using a white paper towel or cloth, blot the mixture and rinse with some plain water with a clean sponge. This step is important because lingering soap can attract dirt.
Step 5:
Place a fan near the clean, damp area and allow it to air dry naturally.
How to Remove Old Urine Stains
Removing old urine stains can be difficult because they’re sometimes hard to find, even when you can smell them. The longer they’ve been allowed to set into fabric, the more stubborn they become, but the good news is that with a little determination, you can get rid of them too.
Step 1:
Mix a solution of 10 ounces of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, 3 tablespoons of baking soda, and 2-3 drops of dish washing detergent.
Step 2:
Pre-test the mixture in an inconspicuous place to make sure the fabric doesn’t change color.
Step 3:
Spray mixture onto the stain, allowing it to sit in place for an hour. If the stain remains after an hour, repeat the process.
Step 4:
After the stain is gone, rinse the area by dabbing with a damp, white cloth and blotting dry with a white paper towel or cloth.
Old urine stains are challenging, so if you’ve tried these steps and the stain persists, don’t be afraid to contact a professional cleaner to see if they can help.
Although dealing with urine stains may be an inconvenient side effect of parenthood, keeping a few simple supplies on hand will mean you’re ready to deal with all sorts of stains as they occur. The quicker you can get to them, the less likely they will be to become a nuisance in the future.